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A Peaceful Walk, Louis Magre


Medium: acrylic on canvas
Size: 16″X12″ image, 25.5″x21.5″ framed
Price: $1700 framed

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About the Artist

He was born in 1955 at the foot of the Montagne Sainte Victoire near the town of Aix en Provence. As a young man he had a passion for the arts and took many drawing and architecture classes to develop his skills. Initially he studied the figurative and portraiture styles but after a time the impressionistic styles of the French Masters such as Sisley, Pissarro and Monet absorbed his imagination.

After a lot of work perfecting the use of light in his paintings Magre now focuses more on impressionistic reliefs of the many different landscape settings that exist across France. The light of Provence permeates the atmosphere with the warm tones dear to Cézanne and Van Gogh.