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The Recurrence, Art Werger


Medium: mezzotint
Size: 5″x5″
Price: $175

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About the Artist

“Artists achieve a personal expression through their work which may move viewers to a variety of emotions, stimulate their own imagination, and perhaps encourage them to achieve new levels of vision. Art Werger’s etchings and mezzotints realize just such an end, inviting his audience to consider the unfolding scene as though they were casual bystanders. His work encourages viewers to weave their own interpretations of the unfolding action and the transient vision and captivates as only a drama of small intensity can. “


1955 in New Jersey.

Master of Fine Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graphics, 1982.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Rhode Island School of Design, Printmaking,1978.

-Ohio University Research Grant, Exploring the Landscape in Copperplate Etching. 2000-2001
-Artist Initiated Grant from the State of Georgia, 1993.
-Southern Arts Federation/ National Endowment for the Arts Regional Fellowship, 1992.
-Wesleyan College Summer Research Grant, Macon, GA (12 times)
-Southern Arts Federation/ National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Touring Program Grant for Art Werger, The Graphic Narrative, 1990-1992.
-Southern Arts Federation/ National Endowment for the Arts Regional Fellowship, 1988.
-Artist Initiated Grant, Georgia Council for the Arts, Sponsor: Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences, Macon, GA, 1988.
-High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia. Commission to create a lithograph, 1986.
-RJR/SECCA Southeastern Artist Fellowship Grant, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1985.